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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Frühlings Semester 2020




Angaben zur Professur




Professur J. De Vylder (V-IX)




Professur für Architektur und Entwurf











Jochen Schamelhout, Theo De Meyer



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Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf V-IX




making meandering meaning



des Entwurfs-programmes 

PROLOGUE A cool glass of white wine on a Sunday afternoon. How you drink a glass of cool white wine with friends visiting on a Sunday morning, while you prepare lunch in the kitchen. At first sight, this question has little to do with architecture. It is not really a question about a structural issue. Nor is it a question about a conceptual idea. It is not even really a question as such. But it is perhaps the only real question architecture should pose itself. How architecture can contain life. Real life. The different moments of life. The scenography of life. Architecture as a setting for those moments of life. Or rather, to make a difference for those moments. It is a question which can be a question about architecture. A question about architecture not only to be considered in the practice of architecture. But also a question to be considered by students of architecture. To capture those moments of life with students. It is a start. A chance for architecture. RE-PRACTICE PRAC-TEACH Re-practice and prac-teach underlines the idea of ‘teach-ing’ and ‘re-search’ from out of a practice based perspective. A perspective which is about making and meaning. About realising and reflecting. About meandering between the making and the meaning. But also between worlds—finding other universes—and ideas—ongoing and revolving—and cultures—the journey in between. UNIVERSUM CARROUSEL JOURNEY Some sets of words. Words of a studio. Words of this studio. Words of your studio. Words of a universum. Words in a carrousel. Words on a journey. The universum architecture can be. The carrousel architecture will be. The journey architecture need to undertake. Universum as a personal world. Carrousel as an ongoing world. Journey as a discovery of the world. This studio is called universum carrousel journey. This studio’s atelier will be given the title universum. The lectures will be held under the title carrousel. And the travels will be named journey. But they will be interchanged at times. As the studio is named universum carrousel journey. MAKING MEANDERING MEANING The studio is organised in two movements. In the first movement, the studio will study five different exemplary houses though three different cultures. Belgium, Switzerland and America. For each culture five houses. One will be about ‘architecture history’, one about ‘typology and tradition’, one situated in ‘the 20th century history’, one ‘the 21st century history’ and one of a ‘non defined quality’. The study will happen by section drawings and detailed scale models. The aim is to understand the relation between the making— construction, material and detail—and the meaning— context, culture and tradition—. In the second movement the studio will design for each house two neighbouring houses. Of course each time based on the ideas of the other cultures. Like for example next to the American exemplary house two new houses will arise but based on the Belgian and Swiss understandings built up in the first movement. Drawing and modelling are once again key. THE STUDIO The studio is organised in two movements. The aim is to understand the relation between the making—construction, material and detail—and the meaning—context, culture and tradition—. At the start of Movement 1, the students are divided into groups of 3 persons. In Movement 2, the studio shifts towards individual work. REGARDING THE FIRST MOVEMENT Each group will study each time 3 reference houses. Each time another culture (a Belgian, a Swiss and an American). And each time of another time or quality frame. As pointed out under ‘making meandering meaning—see above—. REGARDING THE SECOND MOVEMENT Each student of each group will work on 2 houses and implement them as neighbours towards the 3rd house. Each neighbour house will be a transcription of the reference houses studied in the first movement. - The Belgian reference will be flanked by a Swiss and an American transcription. - The Swiss reference will be flanked by an American and a Belgian transcription. - The American reference will be flanked by a Belgian and a Swiss transcription. The choice of cultural transcription will be proposed by the students but each neighbouring situation should embrace all the different cultures. THE ATELIER The studio environment is a place to debate the production since the last studio moment. Presentation and reflection are the keywords of the studio meeting. All material since the last studio moment is available as also eventual specific presentation material illustrating that production. Students will attend each studio moment. YOU CAN DRAW YOU CAN MAKE YOU CAN WRITE The studio embraces the drawing. Making handmade drawings is part of the ambition. Making large scale paper models is the other ambition of the studio. Debating by drawing and modeling. Modeling and drawing as a process. A Workshop/ Seminar at Cornell University, Ithaca NY (USA) is foreseen and will form an integral part of the studio. PRACTICING A PRACTICE Things that seemingly have nothing to do with each other all of sudden have something to do with each other. A practice. This atelier. The Studio THE ATELIER Three students work together. Your team. No team without individuals. Without personalities. Movement I as shared work. Movement II as individual work. LEARNING SKILLS group / individual imagination / reality thinking / making focus / periphery detail / horizon temporary / permanent five pin-ups two reviews and so much in between Making is thinking and thinking is making TRAVEL During the seminar week (14/03 - 22/03) we will travel to Cornell University, Ithaca NY (USA). Prof Jan De Vylder will also be teaching at Cornell this semester. Except from some minor differences the assignment will be the same. This seems an exceptional chance to have a real and intense exchange between the students of the two institutes. The seminar is an integral part of the studio with workshops with fellow students at AAP, Cornell university, NY (US) and visits to a selection of houses. All studio students are expected to participate in the seminar. The trip will be organized by the assistants. As it's an integrated seminar week, the trip will have a max. cost of 750 CHF (price range C) Travel, stay, excursions and all necessary materials for the workshop are included. More information will be shared during the introduction.



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 





EPILOGUE Architecture is not a matter of architecture. in A+U 561 2017:6, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, ja+u publishers, Tokyo AUTONOMY Perhaps it is a matter of autonomy. Autonomy of the architect. Yes, scale. Yes, context. Yes, references. Yes, materials. Yes, colours. Yes, as much as it is always the case. But to find a distance all of a sudden. And to celebrate the autonomy. Which makes a difference. UNIVERSE Perhaps it is a matter of the universe. The rearrangement of what can be rearranged as a new world. A different world. Or at least as a different perspective on that world. A world known by no one but desired by everyone. BRAVOURE Perhaps it is a matter of bravoure. A matter of always and everywhere making things possible again. As possibilities no one expected. As to make possible that which was not and could not be expected. LIFE Perhaps it is a matter of life. A matter of how life can be understood and how life can be imagined. How it can and should be differently imagined. But how it really makes life. How it is allowed to make life. As a part of making life. And doing so. WENDUNG Perhaps it is a matter of wendung. A matter of going somewhere and bringing things found along the way. The wendung as the direction where to go. PLEASURE Perhaps it is a matter of pleasure. The pleasure of seriousness. The seriousness of pleasure. With pleasure things go better. And become better. Giving more pleasure afterwards. MAKING Perhaps it is a matter of making. The making of things. How to make them. How to make them just so differently. Differently, yes, but definitely as making.



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 








Individual and group work, thereof 5 or more weeks group work



Daten Zwischenkritiken 




Datum Schlusskritik 

26.05.2020 - 27.05.2020 - every student is present until 28.05 to hand-in all documents and cleaning the studio




18.02.2020 - 10:00 - HIL F56 office space studio Jan De Vylder



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 0 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 




Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei)







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