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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Herbst Semester 2022




Angaben zur Professur




Professur F. Persyn II




Professur für Architektur und Städtebau











self organized



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Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf V-IX




Self-Organized Studio (SOS)



des Entwurfs-programmes 

Dear Colleagues and Friends, This studio is different – SOS. The Self-Organized Studio (SOS) introduces a new framework for students to independently organize their own way of (un)learning and teaching architecture at ETH. At SOS, participants will test new forms of collaboration amongst students and teachers, users, experts, neighbors and other groups in a common Learning Laboratory. What, where and how do we want to learn at D-ARCH? Who supervises and evaluates our design proposals? Can a design studio enable you to explore your own way-of-learning? What are your interests in architecture? At SOS, we test new ways in which architectural knowledge can be experienced and achieved at D-ARCH. CONTEXT The SOS will collectively build a 1:1 Learning Lab, because future learning methods require future learning spaces. The SOS will take the role of an architecture collective. You are invited to propose strategies for the design and realization of a “research object” within the learning environment of ETH. Your studio space will be situated in ONA in Oerlikon. It was recently announced that the D-ARCH will have new studio spaces right next to ONA, in a new building, close to its completion. While the shell construction is standing, the completion of the interior is still pending. This marks a crucial point in the future of our learning environment. With this studio, the student body can enter the design process. Together with the real estate company AA, which is the owner of the building, and the ETH Immobilien, proposals for the last building phase can be discussed and heard. At the same time the Huber-Pavilions at Hönggerberg are being dismantled. There will be a storage space filled with reusable wooden materials from the pavilions. These materials might be re-constructed as part of your design proposals at SOS. Don’t worry, you are not alone in this task. A structural framework, a schedule and a contact list have been prepared for you in this design studio. There is a large actor-network waiting to be approached by you on this journey. WHO? You are invited to explore the methods of teaching at D-ARCH, and to expand the horizon of the learning methods and environments at ETH. The SOS attempts to unlock the potential of self-governance and architectural experimentation of collectives. This requires a great deal of patience, communication- and social skills. The SOS students will make a real contribution to the “Lernumgebung” of ETH as well as to reflect on the teaching and learning methods applied in studios in general. SET-UP The studio structure was constructed by students, for students. In a preliminary focus work (Vertiefungsarbeit), students have discussed and evaluated various pedagogical approaches. As a result, students have put together a set of tools and methods, a network of actors to invite for crits, as well as possible sites for intervention. Open a dialogue! You are invited to connect with professors, teaching assistants and specialists, community members, non-architects, and a collective of students to support and provide feedback to your proposals. The studio will act as a Learning Lab. You are free to engage with what interests you the most. You will choose your own perspective and approach to the studio, and self-determine group sizes, topics, contexts, scales and the working rhythm. A set of SOS cards and Miro boards are provided as a basic support and archival structure for this studio (and ALL students of D-ARCH). Each card will help you to develop and reflect your own project ideas, independent of which studio you are currently part of. A provisional calendar for the semester is provided. You may modify the weekly schedule as needed by you and the group. The SOS Learning Lab will inspire other studios and professors to think about the way we teach and learn at ETH. Positive experiences made at the SOS will also feed back into the curriculum revision at D-ARCH. EVALUATION An official grading system is provided as a reference for objective evaluation elements. You are free to decide collectively on a way of presenting your projects to guests and encouraged to self-organize moments of “critique”. CREDITS As in any normal studio, you will receive 14KP, hosted by the NEWROPE Chair. Looking forward to it! We are hoping to see you at a first get-together on September 12th on Hönggerberg (invitation will follow, meanwhile, You find us on instagram here: @sosateth). Kindly Yours, SOS



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 

Entwurf, Staedtebau, self-organization, positioning, collective learning




The SOS semester expects you to experiment with one core task: to self-coordinate your learning progress. As a collective of students, you will collaboratively design and perform a whole semester in self-organization. As a team, you will share knowledge with each other and work on greater architectural visions. This means that you will also be discussing different learning methods and questions like ‘how do we like to learn?’, ‘who will give us a critique?’, ‘what makes a healthy learning environment?’ and ‘which values and what roles do we have as future architects?’.



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 








Nur Gruppenarbeit



Daten Zwischenkritiken 



Datum Schlusskritik 




20.09.2022 (ONA, EG Langhalle)



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 150 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 




Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei)







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