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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Herbst Semester 2021




Angaben zur Professur




Professur M. Kaijima / Professur F. Persyn




Professur für Architektur, Entwurf und Städtebau











Grégoire Farquet, Charlotte Schaeben



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Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf V-IX




Informal Learning Spaces



des Entwurfs-programmes 

Abstract What is a learning space at ETHZ? The studio supported by ETH Innovedum, is jointly run by the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology and the NEWROPE Chair with the Chair of Cognitive Science. It develops from research and 1:1 mock-ups in HS2021 towards realizations of interventions in SS2022. Students tackle 3 environments at ETHZ: architecture studio space, semi-public library, and conventional classroom. Content Introduction Teaching and learning methods are evolving. The complexity of our lived reality demands new sets of skills and competencies to be integrated in education, especially in architecture, which is changing from a competitive model based on individual authorship to a complex, interdisciplinary challenge. Real-world problems urge universities worldwide to invest in pedagogical approaches that support exchange and reflexive learning, i.e. constant self-reflection based on our own experiences and positions. Experimenting, testing and taking strong, sometimes diverging positions need Safe Spaces that offer professional and emotional stability to turn confrontations and discussions into productive dialogues. These include informal spaces that invite a diversity of uses, where students and staff meet, exchange and inspire each other. In order to precisely integrate collaboration, self-management, positionality and collective evaluation into the teaching and learning methodology, we need spatial configurations that enable and promote diverse and flexible behavioural settings. For this reason, we collectively aim to transform and integrate informal learning environments in three existing situations at ETH Zürich: (A) Studio space at the department of Architecture, ONA. For this case study, 2 groups of 4 students will work on architecture studio spaces. During their education, architecture students are reflecting about a diversity of spaces and scales, often without taking into consideration their own learning environments. These spaces remain until today, with some exceptions, very generic, very often lacking attractiveness. How can the education of architecture benefit from a transformation of its spatial environment? How can this spatial transformation support students in testing their own positions regarding complex problems? (B) Public library at the InfoCenter of the ETH Library, in the main building of ETH ETH Library offers a range of services that are unfortunately largely unknown to users. For this case, 2 groups of 4 students will think about the following questions: How could the spatial environment of the library offer both, an understanding and a visibility of the provided services? How can the functions of a library be combined with a learning space itself? How to manage acoustic or representational issues while offering the necessary representative freshness? Students are invited to collectively think about possibilities of the future of the library considering the different expectations of departments’ staff, students, librarians and public. (C) Classroom at the Department for Environmental Systems (D-USYS), with the Transdisciplinary Lab (TdLab) During the Course “Tackling Environmental Problems” students of D-USYS work in groups and in close collaboration with different stakeholders for solutions of environmental issues. Their methods include role plays and performative presentations that enable participants to reflect on different positions in complex situations. 2 groups of 4 students will accompany the course and observe the spatial settings and use of a rather conventional classroom of ETH. How do staff and students work in groups in classrooms? What kind of intervention could strengthen collaboration? Which spatial configuration functions both, as a representative stage, and as a safe ground to strengthen roles and communicate information? Schedule Phase I Week I-V: Research History, Research, Observation, Documentation and Representation of the 3 sites. Week VI: no class during Seminar Week Week VII-XI: Intervention Design, Implementation and Observation of 1:1 mock-ups in all 3 sites Week XII-XIV: Translation Documentation, evaluation, reflection and translation of results into a Research Report and a 1:1 collective installation in Studio. Assignment and deadlines Week V: Research Drawing & Documentation, Process Book*, Design of Presentation Setting Week XI: 1:1 Mock-up, Design Drawing, Process Book*, Mock-up Re-enactment on site Week XIV: Mock-up collective 1:1 installation in studio, Process Book, Research Report* *Process Book and Research Report are individual work. Literature Bruno Latour, Science in Action, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987 Michael Taussing, I swear I saw this, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011 Lucy Kimbell, Rethinking Design Thinking:Part 1,Design and Culture Volume 3, Issue 3 pp285-306, UK, 2011 William Sandoval, Conjecture Mapping, The Journal of the learning sciences, 23:18-36,Taylor & Francis Group, 2014



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 

Entwurf, Konstruktion, Modellbau, Visualisierungen




The general aim of the course is to propose transformation strategies for existing learning environments on the campus of ETH in order to create the appropriate conditions for reflexive learning, which is a type of learning in which one explores one's own experiences to become more conscious, open-minded, and self-critical. Students will study the existing space through the learning research methods to design and realize 1:1 mock-ups and interventions in 3 different sites of ETH to adapt the space's respective conditions to their educational purposes, and to enhance the actors’ behaviors, on a human, material and natural level. Students' designs are framed within a larger understanding of learning spaces, based on theoretical and historical knowledge, and attentive site observations, as much as on the exchange with users and experts, in close collaboration with other students, teaching staff and stakeholders. They will be supported by 2 Senmonkas (Japanese for experts), architect and carpenter Karl Rühle and textile designers Anne Masson and Eric Chevalier. Students further learn and improve their practical skills in the fields of research, representation and design, 1:1 detailing and building, guided jointly by both the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology and the NEWROPE Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation. In all phases of the course, students will learn study the representation and communication tools from both chair’s expertise, such as Architectural Behaviorology, Design in Dialogue, Decision-making processes, Actor-Network drawings, sketches, models, 1:1, films or interviews, scientific report. The learning goals correspond to the grading system of each chair. The final grade will be the average of both grades. Chair of Architectural Behaviorology Understanding of Architectural Behaviorology Research Design Visualisation Structure and Material Submission delay Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation Clarity and Independence of Position Relevance regarding the case Depth of engagement Representation Design in Dialogue Mutual Collaboration Personal Development Grading percentage of the process of the study First mid review 35%, Second mid review 35%, Final review 30% (15% collective work, 15% individual work)



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 

Name: Architecture and Urban Design LV-Nr. : 051-123319L








Einzel- und Gruppenarbeit, davon 5 oder mehr Wochen Gruppenarbeit



Daten Zwischenkritiken 

20th October 2021, 1st December 2021



Datum Schlusskritik 

23rd December 2021




21st September 2021, 10:00, ONA E floor



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 100 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 




Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

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