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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Herbst Semester 2023




Angaben zur Professur




Professur M. Kaijima




Professur für Architektur und Entwurf











Tanguy Caversaccio, Rafael Schäfer, Samuel Dayer , Kelly Man



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Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf III+IV




House Behaviorology in Switzerland



des Entwurfs-programmes 

Abstruct The course focuses on house and housing design in Switzerland. Analysis of existing houses, including their users and locations serve as a basis for the design of a housing complex. The course teaches basic principles of housing design within the framework of Architectural Behaviorology as well as diving into topics such as the relation between public and private, common and shared spaces and urban ecology. Architectural Behaviorology is our design theory and methodology introducing a better understanding of architectural form in the relationship with various behaviors of elements, such as nature, humans, and buildings. Content Architectural Behaviorology and Actor Network Theory are our two guiding principles to not only design architecture but also understand our current existing environment. By understanding a building, a house not as an isolated object but as a node in a vast and far reaching network, or several networks, we grow conscious of the impact, which our design has, not only on the specific plot but on the neighbours, the city, the environment, the society. Vice-versa, analyzing and understanding the relationships, which have shaped existing buildings, helps us to better understand how and why the design of those buildings came to be. While identifying the relationship between actors within the network, we simultaneously observe the behavior of each actor as a result of their relationship. The behavior can be static or dynamic, actors can be human, non-human, animate or inanimate. How does a building behave towards its environment? What behavior do inhabitants engage in within and around a building? How do we have to design to take Behaviors of certain materials into account? House and Housing is the base of our living environment and a diverse field in architecture. House behaviorology will set the challenge to find sustainable living condition in the city, by understanding historical examples and their geography, density, economic standing, and time period. At first, to find the character and essence of today’s house and housing design in Ticino, we will start with analyzing existing single-family houses in and around the city. We will research and map how these basic units of housing relate to the users, to each other and to their surroundings. What kind of purposes they fulfilled and what kind of activities and behaviors do these houses enable? Second, we will try to improve on the design by changing the single-family house into housing complexes, responding to the need of greater density, but still retaining the qualities of the original houses. Where do we find synergies, when combining houses? What kind of common spaces arise and how can we make use of them to make better neighborhoods? Simultaneously we will have a close look on designing for inclusivity. How do we design for partially special needs groups, such as the elderly or children? How can we all live together in a house and in the urban ecology? The course is structured as follow: Typology and Research (4 weeks) • Analyzing an existing single-family house in Ticino according to the principles of Architectural Behaviorology und the historical context of the said house. • Defining a special interest for an element or relationship between elements of the chosen house and defining a question as a tool to better understand this field of interest. • Representing the house and the research in a large-scale drawing and a short text. Structure and Space (4 weeks) • Designing a housing complex with a given program on the basis of the analysis of the case study single-family house. • Evaluating and adapting the design constantly. • Applying the principles of structural design to the design project. Improving Design + Details and Construction (5 weeks) • Constantly improving the design and sharpening the design idea. • Detailing one section in the scale of 1:50 by applying the learned principles of construction and structural design as well as adding details in accordance with the principles of Architectural Behaviorology. Lecture Notes Each student will receive a printed reader, containing the basic information about the course, such as schedule, syllabus and other important information, as well as examples and references for the design task, and readings to support the theoretical framework of the course. Literature • Latour, Bruno, Science in Action, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1987 • Atelier Bow-Wow, Graphic Anatomy, Toto Publishing, Tokyo, 2007 • Atelier Bow-Wow, Behaviorology, Rizzoli International Publications, New York, 2010 • Carloni, Tita, « Zwischen Bewahren und Erneuern- Bemerkungen zur Architektur im Kanton Tessin von 1930 bis 1980 », 1983 • Davidovici, Irina, « Constructing ‘the School of the Ticino’: the historiography of a new Swiss architecture, 1975–1990 », In: The Journal of Architecture, 25:8, pp. 1115-1140, 2020 Prerequisite To attend this course, students have to enroll through the “Enrolment in the Design Studios of D-Arch”-page: ( The design studio is structured as a year-long course. The submissions during the autumn semester will be individual work. Schedule Autumn Semester 2023: • Introduction: September 19th, 10:00 • Mid Review 1: October 11th • Mid Review 2: November 15th • Final Review: December 20th Costs: ca. 150 CHF Location: ONA G 25 + G 27



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 

Entwurf, Konstruktion, Staedtebau, Handwerk, Visualisierungen, Architectural Behaviorology




Objective Typology and Research (4 weeks) Each individual student • is able to understand different housing typologies within their historical context. (2) • is able to understand the principles of housing design, including topics such as Typology, Program, Usage, Privacy, Commonality, Material and Climate. (2) • is able to independently gather information on a self-chosen topic (3) • is able to analyze a case study house based on an individually formed question or individual interest. (4) • is able to represent their analysis in a drawing and a short text. (3) Structure and Space (4 weeks) Each individual student • is able to design a small-scale housing complex according to the above-mentioned principles. (3) • is able to design spaces for privacy and for community. (3) • is able to adapt a housing design to the needs of specific inhabitants with partially special needs, such as families and elderly. (3) • is able to apply the principles of structural design to their housing design. (3) • is able to critically evaluate a design and improve it. (5+6) • is able to represent a design through floor plans, sections and elevations as well as with physical models (3) Improving Design + Details and Construction (5 weeks) Each individual student • is able to detail a small-scale housing complex. (3) • is able to understand the principles of construction. (2) • is able to gather examples and evaluate them in accordance with their design (5) • is able to evaluate and chose materials and construction in accordance with their design idea (5). • Is able draw a section of their design in scale 1:50 with all necessary details. (3) Cognitive scale (1) Remember (2) Understand (3) Apply (4) Analyze (5) Evaluate (6) Create Grading Criteria: The submissions will be graded before each review. Each submission is graded according to the following criteria: • Completeness and punctuality of submission • Research method, the ability to find and analyze information • Implementation of the concept of Architectural Behaviorology within the design • Choice of Typology, Design and Expression of the project, in connection with the concept of Architectural Behaviorology • Structural design, construction details and choice of materials in accordance with the design idea and the method of Architectural Behaviorology • Visualization, the ability to communicate a design effectively with compelling drawings, models and text. The final grade consists of the following partial grades: • Mid review 1 submission (individual work): 30% • Mid Review 2 submission (individual work): 30% • Final Review submission (individual work): 40%



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 








Nur Einzelarbeit



Daten Zwischenkritiken 

October 19th, November 1st



Datum Schlusskritik 

December 20th




September 19th, 10:00, ONA G 25



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 150 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 

Nach Bedarf



Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei)







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