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Angaben zur Professur |
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Lehrstuhl |
Gastdozentur A. Antonakakis |
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Typ |
Gastdozentur Entwurf |
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Standort |
HIL F 74.3 |
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Webseite |
www.doz.arch.ethz.ch/gastdoz |
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Assistierende |
Koutsogianni Katerina, Filippo Santoni |
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Kontakt E-Mail |
fsantoni@arch.ethz.ch |
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Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse |
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Typ |
Entwurf V-IX |
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Thema |
Museum format |
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Beschreibung des Entwurfs-programmes |
The question of the museum is asked in both a theoretical and a practical way. Theoretical in regard to the studio brief as an investigation on the concept of collection and its various meanings but also practical as a concrete question concerning a concrete museum.
A short history of the museum is shaped for the needs of the studio with input from interesting people from the fields of art and curating. The museum though is not only seen as a traditional historical function but mostly as a question related to the concept of contemporaneity itself and the conceptual power of creating collections seen in historical frame and also in the nowadays frame, taking shape as different ways of collection making and explaining up to a certain level the civilisation of the digital networks.
The concrete space which is asked to be designed will be a very specific museum which is meant to gather the monuments of nationalistic character originated from the two different sides of divided Cyprus. These monuments are always a part of the problem of any reunification project discussed for long in the island since these monuments are built in order to recall the rupture and the dichotomy between the two communities and cannot find a place in a supposedly unified island. The studio asks for a museum of this double nationalism which would also change the character of the monuments from functional (in the frame of enemy making) to the ruins of a double nationalism.
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Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte |
Entwurf |
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Lernziele |
An experience of working in an intellectual climate, which understand design as a set of questions and a relevant research around them.
An ability to work collaboratively toward synthetic design resolution which integrates an understanding of programmatic considerations, contextual connections, technological systems, and theoretical meaning.
An ability to communicate both the technical, spatial, and conceptual aspects of one’s design through comprehensive modes of representation including digital and analog drawing, physical modeling and other forms of media; as well as the ability to clearly articulate written and verbal expression.
Experimental formats of presentation could include dioramas, animated drawings, models, videos, axos, vector images and books including the produced material and texts.
Ability to successfully complete an option-based directed design research sequence, pursuing the individualized exploration of advanced and emerging topics.
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LV-Nr. des Entwurfs |
052-1104-20 |
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Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) |
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Unterrichts-sprache |
English |
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Arbeitsweise |
Individual and group work, thereof 1 to 2 weeks group work |
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Daten Zwischenkritiken |
10./11.3. (10-15 h); 7.4.; 6.5. |
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Datum Schlusskritik |
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Einführungs-veranstaltung |
18.02.20, 11:30, HIL F 75 |
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Zusätzliche Kosten |
CHF 100 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche) |
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Verfügbare Plätze |
24 |
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Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes |
Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei) |