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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Frühlings Semester 2023




Angaben zur Professur




Professur A. Theriot




Professur für Architektur und Entwurf











Philippe Buchs, Adrien Comte



Kontakt E-Mail





Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf V-IX







des Entwurfs-programmes 

Clouds of steam in suspension, under coloured neon lights. Chromium-plated pipes as machined as a sports car engine. A boiler room in the shape of an impeccable mechanical drum, as imposing as a modern sculpture. The highlight of the show. These elements are highlighted by finely chiselled lights. Are we in a contemporary art exhibition? Or even a light show worthy of the best produced concerts? No. We are simply in a boiler room. Here are a few images produced - very quickly - by artificial intelligence software on the basis of a few key words such as "heating", "steam", "lighting". The words may be simple, even boilerplate. The images already reach an astonishing level of detail. This gap between the generality of the terms and the hyper-realism of its pictorial translation is already the first surprise of this operation. These images seem to be produced with disconcerting ease. The software is a machine that combines playfulness and seduction: the more images you ask it to produce, the more eye-catching they become. But at least we have to give it credit for an undeniable mastery of atmospheres coupled with a true aesthetic of our digital age: vaporous atmospheres, controlled atmospheres, diffusion of halos... Lights, colours, smoke, condensations literally become plastic materials. Of course, they remain malleable, but each particle finds its translation into a pixel perfectly arranged in the composition of the image. Our appetite for making such images, as well as the immediate fascination they provide, obviously questions us as architects. For these images have the power to make desirable what is not desirable. A boiler room is always a place of suffering in a building. But if the AI suggests that it can be the support of a contemporary psychedelic atmosphere, what will the other major spaces of the building look like? Will they have to live up to the atmosphere of these, a priori, purely functional premises? We should not be frightened by the progress of AI, but rather take it as a game as much as an opportunity. We can extrapolate from these images, and somehow take the project 'backwards'. It is not a question of imagining the literal transcription of an (architectural) program into a (computer) program, which would allow the total design of an architectural project, by the machine. As in other areas of our daily lives, should we let ourselves be guided entirely by algorithms? In the end, this possibility brings us back to a technical and economic standardisation that has never done any good. But we can continue to wander around these images. For they bring us the sparkle to places that are not usually invested. We can look at certain arrangements, for their science of juxtaposition of materials, for their skilful use of artificial lighting or their scenographic potential. And from there, we can imagine an exercise in "reverse design". How to give consistency to the image? What would be the right materiality of these luminous "baths" and lighting lines? And once the hypothesis of this or that material has been posed, how can it be structured and modulated? And can such a rhythm be applied to a larger programme and buildings? The image - even if it is imaginary, even utopian - is therefore only a first step towards the concrete. We can use the images proposed by the AI to reactivate our projectual excitement, the one that incites us to rethink places well beyond their functionality, and to reactivate the path of the sensitive in the built matter. (HYPER)COMFORT, Produced by AI Comfort refers to a state of physical and emotional ease, where one experiences a sense of well-being, satisfaction, and contentment. It can come from various sources such as a warm bed, a delicious meal, a friendly conversation, or a familiar environment. However, comfort can also be a double-edged sword. While it brings comfort in the moment, it can also lead to complacency and conformity, hindering personal growth and stifling creativity. Comfort can be thought of as the opposite of discomfort, which is the feeling of unease, hardship, and pain. Therefore, the pursuit of comfort is a natural human desire and is considered a basic need. People are naturally drawn to things that make them feel comfortable, and this has been a driving force behind many human advancements. For example, the invention of heating, air conditioning, and better insulation, have all been driven by the desire for comfort. However, as comfort has become more accessible and widespread, it has also led to a culture of conformity and standardization. People are expected to conform to social norms, cultural standards, and societal expectations. This is reflected in the way people dress, the way they speak, the way they think, and the way they live. People conform to these standards because they bring a sense of security, acceptance, and comfort. However, this can lead to a lack of diversity and individuality, and can stifle personal growth. Furthermore, the pursuit of comfort has also led to an increase in consumption. People consume goods and services to improve their comfort, whether it's through buying new clothes, upgrading their home, or eating at expensive restaurants. This has created a culture of materialism, where people are judged based on what they own, rather than who they are. This has led to a vicious cycle, where people consume more to feel better, which leads to more consumption, and more dissatisfaction. Moreover, the pursuit of comfort has also led to the creation of rules and regulations, which limit personal freedom. People are told how to behave, how to think, and how to live their lives, often in the name of safety, security, or comfort. This creates a rigid, conformist society, where personal expression and creativity are stifled. Finally, the rise of reality shows and social media influencers has further perpetuated the idea of comfort and conformity. Reality shows often promote unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and comfort, while social media influencers are expected to present an idealized version of their lives. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction, as people strive to achieve these unrealistic standards. In conclusion, the pursuit of comfort has both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it brings comfort and satisfaction, but on the other hand, it can lead to conformity, materialism, and a lack of personal freedom. It is important for individuals to strike a balance between comfort and creativity, to avoid becoming trapped in a cycle of consumption and conformity. Only then can individuals truly experience the benefits of comfort, while also allowing for personal growth and fulfillment.



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 

Entwurf, Konstruktion, Staedtebau, Handwerk, Visualisierungen




We aim to seize economic requirements to transform constraints into levers, producers of qualities. These may well be tangible or intangible, prosaic or poetic, constant or unstable, general or occasional... As long as they are initiated by the economy and located far from any rationality. Creating generosity, “excesses” that make the strength and uniqueness of a place. The semester will unfold in three chapters: CHAP 1: MYTHOLOGY CHAP 2: FINDING FREEDOMS CHAP 3: BINDING FRAGMENTS INTEGRATED WORKSHOPS: - Fragmentin (artist) - 3D visualisations - Structure - Facade and envelope + further external experts from the fields of cognitive sciences and artificial intelligence.



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 








Nur Gruppenarbeit



Daten Zwischenkritiken 

14.03.2023 + 26.04.2023



Datum Schlusskritik 





21.02.2023, 10:00, RIA (Oerlikon)



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 150 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 




Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei)







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