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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Herbst Semester 2023




Angaben zur Professur




Professur H. Klumpner




Professur für Architektur und Städtebau











Diogo Figueiredo , Alejandro Jaramillo Quintero



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Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf V-IX




Next Madrasa, Neighborhood of of Active Knowledge



des Entwurfs-programmes 

How can we design a neighborhood for the 21st Century hillside settlements in Sarajevo? Can the idea of the traditional learning space of a Madrasa be translated to city - scale? Can architecture reconcile new productive learning centralities, networks of knowledge production, economic opportunity, digital lifestyles and environmental engagement? Sarajevo is a place of architecture, resistance, social engagement, innovation, inclusive cultural and religious diversity, and being an urban laboratory. Education is the foundation for creating sustainable development models, like the emerging University Campus and Cultural District, which are the Studio’s grounds for imagining new relationships between traditional settlements, and the rapidly developing post-industrial valley. In the Design Studio, students will learn digital tools, to conduct evidence-based research and translate it into their architectural prototypical projects. The Next Madrasa is a central space for lifelong learning, knowledge exchange, and innovative circular economies that can regenerate, restore and build capacities, enabling a quality of urban life in the hillside settlements of Sarajevo. Whilst cities contribute to the highest CO2 footprints, they also hold the potential to most effectively bend the carbon curve and take Climate Action in achieving the UN`S Sustainable Development Goals. Moving towards decarbonized ways of living and `Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient (SDG 11) will require behavioral and systems change in all sectors of life. Access to quality education (SDG 4), co-creating evolving frameworks for life-long learning, building capacity for transformative processes, strengthening and building new circular economies, making use of digital and analog tools, as well as how easy it is to access services in the city, are the foundation to design and maintain sustainable urban futures. Education is the foundation for creating sustainable development models, like the emerging University Campus and Cultural District, which are the Studio’s grounds for imagining new relationships between traditional settlements, and the rapidly developing post-industrial valley.Sarajevo`s many self-constructed hillside neighborhoods, are geographically close to the valley but display; due to a lack of services, social functions, and economic opportunities, characteristics of disconnected peripheral peri-urban living. The old Mahalas were centered around a mosque, and social building blocks such as the pekara (bakery), the kafana (coffee house), and the mekteb (school of theology) with strict building codes rooted in the cultural practices of communal living on the hill defining small centralities. The erosion of Sarajevo`s urban matrix, with a clear separation of living quarters, as well as hierarchies of connecting streets and business zones in the valley, are the result of Sarajevo`s transitions to European lifestyle over time, ethnic conflict, and the tumultuous past. The emergence of the `Socialist Mahala` 3), as ever sprawling ad-hoc construction of individual homes into the steep natural environment, lack legibility, public spaces, basic infrastructure, and easy access to the richness of socially and culturally infused life in the valley. Climate, seasonal and socio-economic challenges are exacerbated, challenging livelihood security, life expectancy, and good quality of life. The city of Sarajevo is now on a path to extend integrated mobility systems and social services to its hillside neighborhoods. This could reduce the adverse environmental impact of informal dwellings, particularly in terms of air quality, waste management, and landslide risk. In the frame of co-creating new systems of repair, care, the resourceful use of and innovation, Sarajevo has the potential re-imagine and re-build its Mahala`s as innovative spaces of sustainable living, participative learning, knowledge transfer, and economic development, aiding social cohesion and inclusion. The design studio focuses on the transformative redevelopment of the city on three scales: A_ General Urban Plan (GUP) Scale: 1:10.000 / Sarajevo as a whole Mobility systems, energy, urban expansion, water protection, geothermie, ecology B_Regulatory Plan (RP) Scale: 1:1000 / Novi Grad/ Transversale 6, Climate Corridor of the Miljacka River, new cable Cars, alternative mobility solutions for Hillside settlements, Hum and Zuć mountains C_Architectural Prototype (AP) Scale: 1:500, 1:200 / Project site Delayed reconstruction, retrofitting and extending new socio-ecologically and economically viable infrastructures. Students have access to the Chair`s research catalogue on qualitative and quantitative information, using data and digital models, some generated through Point Clouds, or the three-dimensional Digital-Twin Model of the entire City of Sarajevo. They will map, analyze, and construct their conceptual design framework, that re-imagines the historic city's linear development, proposing new centers, relating to the hillside settlements, and integrating them along the cross sections in the central Valley of the Miljacka River. The driver for change in the Western Balkans is architecture. We see this happening in cities like Sarajevo, Tirana, Priština, and Belgrade. Architecture is at the forefront of making transformations visible in preparation for EU membership. The next generation of designers is providing places of development, safety, and quality of life, which are essential for city governments. Architecture and Urban Design are translating these opportunities, entrepreneurship, and technologies into these cities. Changing the landscape and regenerating open neighbourhoods full of opportunities, architectural and natural beauty. Sarajevo is a place of architecture, resistance, social engagement, innovation, inclusive cultural and religious diversity, and being an urban laboratory. Education is the foundation for creating sustainable development models, like the emerging University Campus and Cultural District, which are the Studio’s grounds for imagining new relationships between traditional settlements, and the rapidly developing post-industrial valley. The Next Madrasa is a central space for lifelong learning, knowledge exchange, and innovative circular economies that can regenerate, restore and build capacities, enabling a quality of urban life in the hillside settlements of Sarajevo.



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 

Entwurf, Staedtebau, Landschaftsarchitektur, Handwerk, Visualisierungen




The thesis for this Studio is to imagine Sarajevo city as a `Learning City,` (1) driving local and national economies, promoting a healthy natural environment and the well-being of its people. In the context of climate change, rural-to-urban migration, and urban climate justice, it will be vital to co-design a `smart city `that invests in natural regenerative systems, innovates models of circularity within the scarcity of resources, and balances the dynamics of private and public interest. Students are introduced to tools and immersed in our Chair’s “method-design” to develop their prototypical design projects by: 1.) Base-Line: We design in a continuum of architectural, urban, and planning scales to collaboratively develop a basis of how the city is now. 2.) Mapping: By identifying existing and future challenges and opportunities, we take the role of stakeholders and visualize our demands and resources into three different scenarios. 3.) Concept Design: We develop an urbanistic synthesis and translate a concept into an evidence-based prototypical architectural project- intervention. 4.) Prototype Design: We present the synthesis of our process in time and space on different scales. We frame the design projects as a narrative, consequentially developed and communicated in analog and digital graphic representations. 5.) Upscaling: We test our project concepts and upscale prototypes through design-policy recommendations to make them transferable in Sarajevo and other cities. The urban morphology and rich architectural heritage of Sarajevo are the product of culture, lifestyle, and historical events.Shaped by Ottoman Mahalas (2) and Madrasas (3), the Austro-Hungarian and socialist era, the city expanded for the 1984 XIV Olympic Winter Games, and impacted by the conflicts the city endured in the 1990ties urbicide (4),waves of migration and resettling in the hillsides, and peripheries (Socialist Favelas (5).The city is now facing privatization, a 40-year delayed development and one of the highest levels of air and water pollution, and environmental degradation in Europe. Sarajevo is on a crossroads of environmental and urban decay or becoming a smart and climate-caring net-zero city. The pressure of modernization, climate action, and social justice is most evident in the hillsides,with self-constructed housing stock, that lack basic service infrastructure and social facilities at large.Globalization, Digitalization, and Ecologization require radically new readings, and the design of transversal relations, between the historic and peripheral neighborhoods. New emerging centralities, such as the new University Campus and Cultural District in the productive valley, require the design of capacities in the socio-economic and governmental sectors. At the intersection of architecture, landscape, and public art,we envisions trans-scalar processes,addressing the city's socio- ecological crisis, in support of the Sarajevo Cantonal Planning Office, applying a systemic design methodology, and responding to the urgent need for concrete projects. Policy recommendations and upscaling such prototypical concepts apply to the Sarajevo-Case.The Studio will engage with a multistakeholder team of experts and urban activists from Sarajevo, participants of the Sarajevo architecture days, and experts of the city of Zürich. The Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS) is developed between the Klumpner Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Laboratory of Energy Conversion, ETH Zurich spin-off SwissAI, University of Sarajevo and Canton Sarajevo Institute of Planning and Development. The overarching key component of the project is the elaboration of the Urban Plan for Sarajevo until the year 2040. 1) Unesco 2) Neighbourhood / Livingquarter 3) Place of Learning 4) Bogdan Bogdanović 5) Adi Ćorović



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 

063-0762-23S, 063-0562-23S




English and German




Individual and group work, thereof 3 to 4 weeks group work



Daten Zwischenkritiken 




Datum Schlusskritik 





19.09.2023, 9h30, ONA E25



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 150 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 




Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei)







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16. Dezember 2024
Thomas Gemperli

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