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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Frühlings Semester 2023




Angaben zur Professur




Professur H. Klumpner




Professur für Architektur und Städtebau











Anne Graupner, Diogo Figueiredo



Kontakt E-Mail





Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf V-IX




igre i grad / city games - Designing the new Sarajevo Olympic Legacy 1984-2024-2064



des Entwurfs-programmes 

How can we as architects re-imagine Sarajevo– 40 years delayed development – as a space of freedom designing a Re-generative Olympic Legacy? How can we engage the city's Olympic Spirit as a transformative force and question existing programs, resources, and imperfections? How can we propose urban models for a sustainable future and co-design citizens' ideas mending top down and bottom up? Mega-events in cities, raise questions of socio-environmental sustainability, as they expand in size and scale. Globally Sarajevo city became one of the most successful venues for the 1984 XIV Olympic Winter Games, but its Legacy could never play out due to the Bosnian war in 1992. Students will develop an integrated urban legacy vision, and design a prototypical architecture project. The studio re-imagins the Olympics to build the city's future, designing inclusivity and re-activating collective action, as a radical continuation of the games. Students will re-imagining the 1984 XIV Olympic Winter Games and the conflicts the city endured in the 1990ties urbicide(1). Both events still activate the collective memory and contemporary imaginary in Sarajevo as moments of blood, tears, and sweat*. (2) The spectacle of the games accounted for the concentration of the events happening at a distance of fewer than 25 km around the city, making Sarajevo a total urban experience. Re-imagining the Olympics to build a city's future and the role for placemaking of contemporary architecture, urbanism, and culture. What if after the games is before the next games? The reimagines a new Olympic legacy at the intersection of homegrown turbo architecture*(3). It raises the issue of the resources of the games on different scales and disciplines for the entire city, opening up a discussion on constructing new frontiers of re-activating, re-imagining, and re-constructing what is already there. The fundamental questions of any large-scale event placinga city or an entire country on the world map, from the Olympic Games, Soccer World Cups, or world exhibitions, question to what extent; the event should be seen as temporary, or in what way architecture designs extend to something more permanent. This thinking includes existing, new buildings and infrastructure. Durability becomes a concept that questions circularity, reuse, and resources, metaphorically and practically, enhancing the city profile. How are the costs, benefits, and ownership distributed to the citizens and the urban development, commercialization, and media of events? Site, material, and stakeholder analysis of urban spaces and Olympic infrastructures, are design informants for the architecture and urban design processes, to transform this torn-city and re-wildered landscape into alternate active spaces of engagement in harmony with the environment. The design studio focuses on the transformative redevelopment of the city on three scales and sites: A_ General Urban Plan (GUP) Scale: 1:10.000 Ilidza, New City Center Sarajevo as a whole, mobility systems, energy, urban expansion, water protection, geothermie, Sport Stadion B_Regulatory Plan (RP) Scale: 1:1000 Novi Grad/ Transversale 6, Climate Corridor of the Miljacka River, new cable Cars, and alternative mobility solutions for Hillside settlements, Hum and Zuć mountains C_Architectural Prototype (AP) Scale: 1:500, 1:200 Novo Sarajevo. Public space, University Campus, Culture and Sports real-world project-sites of delayed reconstruction and retrofitting extending and building new infrastructures. We have developed a toolbox in our Urban Stories lecture series allowing internationally recognized development examples. Understanding permanent and temporary strategies such as Olympic sites in Athens, destruction and re-construction in Berlin, Chengyecheon River Park, Seoul, Isarpark, Schlachthof / Munich, Corredores Verdes / Medellin or Cali, communal target-plan Zurich, Closed Highways in Sao Paulo or Bogota, Etc. These spatial processes have followed a widely known practice of consolidating a sequence of transformations, short-term strategies for long-term value production. Neighborhoods are re-evaluated through investment often initiated by art, popular culture, local participation, and place-branding. Urban- and Landscape Design can create a measurable impact in cities by increasing social justice, health, and wellbeing. The development of robust frameworks adaptable to change enable processes for regeneration with long-term operational, environmental and social benefits in response to global, local, and site-specific challenges. The role of architects is to imagine and model sustainable urban scenarios recognizing new possibilities, to create multidimensional transformative design strategies with long-term benefits for people and cities. 1.) Bogdan Bogdanovic 2.) Winston Churchill 3) Sridjan Jovanovic Weiss



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 

Entwurf, Staedtebau, Landschaftsarchitektur, Handwerk, Visualisierungen




Students will be introduced to tools and immerse in our Chair’s “method-design” to step by step develop their individual prototypical design projects by: 1.) Base-Line: We design in a continuum of architectural, urban, and planning scales, and collaboratively develop a basis of how the city is now. 2.) Mapping: By identifying existing and future challenges and opportunities, we take the role of stakeholders and visualize our demands and resources into three different simulation scenarios. 3.) Concept Design: We develop an urbanistic synthesis and translate a concept into an evidence-based prototypical architectural project- intervention. 4.) Prototype Design: We present the synthesis of our process in time and space on different scales. We frame the design projects as a narrative, consequentially developed and communicated in analog and digital graphic representations. 5.) Upscaling: We test our project concepts and upscale prototypes through design-policy recommendations to make them transferable and situated in Sarajevo and other cities. The basic thesis for this Studio is designing urban imaginaries, to open up a free space for the delayed Olympic Legacy and make it happen. We engage with Sarajevo, interlink urban memories with future visions, and re-activate collective action. Starting from the urban -in-between, the studio redefines the Olympics to build the city's future, designing inclusivity, and prototypical interventions, that are scalable, transferable, and playful, as a radical continuation of architectural design redefining the Olympic Games beyond sports. Located on the Balkan Route, consideration is given to the coexistence of multiple ethnicities, faiths, and diverse socio-economic populations, cultures, and subcultures in the city. Environmentally the city confronts us with one of the highest pollution levels of air, soil water, of any capital city in Europe. The re-development of neighborhoods and areas earmarked in the Urban Transformation Plan of Sarajevo will be rolled out in the next 30 years linking citywide networks and infrastructural developments. At the intersection of architecture, landscape, and public art, the studio envisions trans-scalar processes and interventions, addressing the city's social and ecological crisis, in support of the Sarajevo Cantonal Planning Office, applying a systemic design methodology, and responding to the urgent need for concrete projects. Policy recommendations and general advice for upscaling such prototypical concepts are already successful in other cities globally and apply to the Sarajevo-Case. The adaptive re-use and integration of remaining former Olympic infrastructures and symbolic sites can re-activate the Olympic legacy of transforming the existing and adding new structures to regenerate the city. Topics such as district design, heat reduction, green and blue infrastructure, water retention, densification and dedensification are addressed alongside atmospheric contamination. Fine dust, and CO2 have created during inversion weather one of the highest air contamination levels of any capital city in Europe compromising the health of Sarajevo’s people. Climate change is challenging necessary processes to re-planting the forest and trees of the city. The compliance with the targets and indicators of the SDGs pose considerable additional tasks to solve. In recent years, the bust and boom cycle in Sarajevo has put doubt on international urban upgrading models linked with opportunistic investments, gentrification, and short-term gains for private investors. The Studio will be engaging with a multistakeholder team of experts from Sarajevo and Zürich. The Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS) is developed between the Klumpner Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Laboratory of Energy Conversion, ETH Zurich spin-off SwissAI, University of Sarajevo and Canton Sarajevo Institute of Planning and Development. The overarching key component of the project is the elaboration of the Urban Plan for Sarajevo until the year 2040.



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 

Integrated Discipline Planning, 063-0561-22L, 063-0761-22L




German, English, Spanish and Portuguese




Einzel- und Gruppenarbeit, davon 3 bis 4 Wochen Gruppenarbeit



Daten Zwischenkritiken 




Datum Schlusskritik 





21.02.2023, 8h15, Zurich HB (Innsbruck study trip)



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 150 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 




Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei)







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