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Einschreibung in die Entwurfsklassen des D-ARCH



Details Entwurfsprogramm – Frühlings Semester 2021




Angaben zur Professur




Professur H. Klumpner




Professur für Architektur und Städtebau











Anne Graupner, Diogo Figueiredo



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Angaben zur Entwurfsklasse




Entwurf V-IX




Market District 24/7, Vienna. Re-Imagining markets as places of circular thinking, care and transaction



des Entwurfs-programmes 

How can we… Re-define the architecture and program of the social-environmental agenda for existing markets? Incorporate circular thinking for analog and digital lifestyles? Transform market places into prototypical urban infrastructures connecting global, regional, and local scales? The city of Vienna is growing rapidly, soon passing 2 million inhabitants. Alongside the climate crisis, the need and demand to re-think the potential of markets on a neighborhood scale has become evident during the Covid 19-pandemic. The emergence of alternative economies, the integration of diverse cultures, communication forms, and opportunities for all citizens suggest the activation of sustainable circular economies, temporary and permanent responses, as well as new forms of exchange and cooperation. Students will redesign the Victor-Adler Markt in Favoriten, the largest arrival district of Vienna with a population of 200.000 inhabitants. The studio will engage in a collaboration with the District Major Sascha Obrecht, and the MAK (Museum für Angewandte Kunst), presenting the overall project in this year’s BIENNALE FOR CHANGE, opening on the 28th of May 2021. The Studio builds urban theory by research-led teaching, based on the idea of this year’s Vienna Biennale for Change at the MAK (Museum für Angewandte Kunst) and proposes a new direction towards a Care-City. This is our complementing proposal to the Smart-City concept emphasizing digital technology control. Process-oriented city-making concepts will address and incorporate human behavior, live styles, and social - environmental urbanism as an opportunity for co-design and citizen-led innovation. Re-imagining the market as a productive public space for circular thinking, care and transaction is at the core of this semester`s urban-design studio. Globally we are experiencing an alienation from the making of food and consumer goods, with production being offshored, outsourced, and products available, at the lowest competitive price. Industrialization and mass production aim at higher efficiencies, lower costs, and larger quantities while a comfortable supply level for all new things is needed in our industrialized cities. Fast growth and mass consumption in highly specialized supermarkets and department stores have for years been the consequence and the norm. As we realize now, these systems are too big and interdependent and come at a high price to our society, climate, and future generations. Consequently, the authenticity and specificity of goods are becoming interesting and dominant, prescribing plant-based proteins, new services of delivery, low carbon footprints, and demands for a more circular economy. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many realities of supply chains and necessary adaptations to existing systems have surfaced. People in their neighbourhoods are now taking initiative in sharing local goods and networks as suppliers or producers also searching for more engaged and unique experiences, whilst refining non-food products and circular production models in analog and digital market spaces. Authenticity and specificity are becoming interesting and dominant, prescribing plant-based proteins, new services of delivery, consumption, and demands for a more circular economy. During Covid-19 many realities are becoming more visible, people in their neigbourhoods sharing goods as producers, searching for more engaged and unique experiences, refining non-food products and circular production models on analog and digital market places. Consumers are increasingly interested in the origin of their purchased goods and are thus influencing markets impacting production processes. Buying into the producers' stories adds to the value of goods and purchasing experience whilst bettering customers' health, education, and environmental conscience. The producer has become part of the decision process. In many cities, the traditional concept of the market is turning into a new concept of what a market can be. The producers' stories and the specificity imaginary they personify add to the purchasing experience and (better) their customers' conscience. Over the next decade, the advancing environmental mediterrianization will affect the design of market spaces in inner-city areas. In the densely populated 19th century neighborhoods of Vienna, the reduction of urban heat islands caused by solar radiation and climate-change requires seasonal cooling strategies and innovative solutions to re-design urban morphologies and micro-climatic atmospheres. Migration, localized large -scale food production and the accommodation of socio-cultural difference hold untapped potential to rethink markets as places of exchange, integration, and cohesion that embrace diversity. From urban-rural linkages, down to demand and supply of neighborhood markets and small-scale circular economies, climate change, food, and wellbeing in cities go hand in hand. The environmental and cultural needs of citizens require us to simultaneously -reset and fast forward future scenarios of what temporary and permanent markets can be. The Studio investigates markets as urban program and social -environmental infrastructure which acknowledges the emergence of alternative economies, the integration of diverse cultures, learning, health, care, communication forms, and equal opportunities for all citizens.



Thematische und methodische Schwerpunkte 

Entwurf, Staedtebau, Modellbau, Visualisierungen




Students will immerse in our Chair’s “method-design”, and are introduced to the toolbox-reference library of the urban stories lecture series. They will be guided step by step to develop their individual prototypical design projects addressing both architectural and urban scales. They will collaboratively develop a baseline scenario, mapping, identifying and prioritising existing and future challenges and opportunities on urban development topics. They will also take on the role of stakeholders, translating their negotiated agreements into three different design scenarios. They will develop urbanistic concepts and an architectural design which is an evidence-based project- intervention. This urban urban prototype is the synthesis of a trans-scalar process in time and space. Students design projects will be framed as narratives that are consequentially visualized in atmospheric representations and communicated in analogue and digital graphics. Project concepts will be tested and upscaled through urbanistic design-policy recommendations and presented to real stakeholders in Vienna. Students will imagine flexible, productive urban spaces, where everyday people engage with each other and the architecture of a public market space. In collaboration with local partners (TU Wien), students will conduct and exchange quantitative and qualitative research and on-site analysis to develop first arguments for their potential project prototype. Each student individually develops an initial concept for a community-oriented building intervention that responds to local and global urbanization topics. Once the specific site and approach is determined, design projects are developed to an appropriate level, taking streets, buildings and city-blocks into account. The migrant community context of Favoriten combined with the urban culture of diverse areas is acting as immediate source of inspiration and point of reference. The Studio frames an understanding of the dynamic forces that enable the production of goods within cities, taking into account the analog and digital behavioral systems of citizens lifestyles. Students are encouraged to develop a critical position on the architect's potential role to mediate a design processes within a broader social, political, and economic discourse.



LV-Nr. des Entwurfs 




Zusätzliche integrierte Disziplin(en) 

Integrated Discipline Planning




German, English, Spanish and Portuguese




Individual and group work, thereof 3 to 4 weeks group work



Daten Zwischenkritiken 

20-21 of April



Datum Schlusskritik 

1-2 of June




23rd of February, 9h30, Via Zoom



Zusätzliche Kosten 

CHF 0 (Schätzung, ohne allfällige Kosten für Modellbau und Seminarwoche)



Verfügbare Plätze 




Plakat des Entwurfs-programmes 

Plakat ansehen (PDF Datei)







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